Frequently Asked Questions

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, The LORD reigns!
— 1 Chronicles 16:31

What if I can’t make all rehearsals?

No problem - we ask you to make as many as you are able to. Part tracks are also available to help you learn on your own.



What if I can’t read music?

Songs for the Assembly Mass Choir will be taught by listening to a section leader and then repeating what they sing. No music reading is required.



What if I get nervous on stage?

While we pray for Godly confidence while ministering, we understand that sometimes nerves get the best of us. Remember you will be surrounded by a couple hundred other singers, so you won’t be singled out. And if you forget a lyric or your part for a moment, just breathe, focus, and listen to those around you until you get back on track!



How are soloists chosen?

Articulating the verse to a song is not a greater role than any other in the choir. All gifts are equally important and are joined together by the Lord to accomplish His will through the music. There are times, however, when an individual is called upon to lead a song. Those decisions are based on that individual’s character and integrity, whether their range and vocal style fit the song, and how well their personal testimony enables them to minister through the lyrics.



I’m a musician. Can I play in the band?

Incorporating a large number of musicians for an event such as the Assembly is challenging. Given the diverse and technical nature of the music, along with small windows for rehearsal, the band is in large part already formed. However, we do have opportunities for brass, woodwind and string players (violin, viola, cello and upright bass). If you play one of those instruments, please contact us for more information on accompanying the choir.



I work in AV in my church. Can I be involved?

While the audio/visual elements of the Assembly are handled by a team of professionals, we would LOVE for you to be part of the worship - even if you’re not a singer. Many leaders in the Assembly Choir are AV volunteers at their church and would be happy to talk with you, answer questions and share ideas throughout the Assembly. The Assembly Choir rehearsal room will be outfitted with sound reinforcement and lyric projection, so there will be ample opportunity for your help!



Have more questions?

(757) 243-1931